Digital transformation from the perspective of local government – selected issues


  • Aneta Kaczyńska Department of Public Finance, Institute of Finance Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Sławomira Kańduła Department of Public Finance, Institute of Finance Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Joanna Przybylska Department of Public Finance, Institute of Finance Poznań University of Economics and Business



digital transformation, local government, economy 4.0, public tasks


The article presents selected issues related to the digital transformation of Poland from the perspective of local government. It poses the following questions: How should we understand the digital transformation in general and the digital transformation of local government? Why should local government choose this path for transformation and what impact does it have? The article uses the method of analysis and criticism of the literature.
The conclusions drawn from the research are as follows: the digital transformation of local government is the entirety of the changes taking place in it in terms of the services, processes, resources, organizational culture and competences using digital technologies. The purpose of these changes is to improve the quality of life and achieve the goals of sustainable development. Each local government unit must enter the path of digital transformation. It is an objective of necessity resulting mainly from social needs (expectations) for which the local government has been appointed. These needs can be divided into several categories. Residents require easier shopping and handling of administrative matters, as well as access to information and efficient communication. They also report the need for improving the conditions of work, maintaining employment, and accessing professional development. The expectation of reduced social inequalities remains valid. Residents and entrepreneurs expect Internet access and free mobility, and the latter also require support in optimizing business processes. In the conditions of developing the digital economy, we also expect the creation of an efficient system of warnings about threats and ensuring safety on the Internet. All aspects cause changes in the economy and the financing of local government. These mainly concern its functions and scope of performed tasks, the how social needs are satisfied and the tools used.


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How to Cite

Kaczyńska, A., Kańduła, S., & Przybylska, J. (2021). Digital transformation from the perspective of local government – selected issues. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (65), 27–46.


