Digitisation of Polish enterprises compared to selected European countries


  • Danuta Witczak-Roszkowska Department of Management and Marketing Kielce University of Technology




information technology, Hellwig’s method, e-commerce, cloud computing services, integration of internal processes, social inequalities in the use of information technology


The article attempts to assess the level of use of information technologies in Polish enterprises against the background of selected European countries. This original research has shown inequalities in the use of information technologies by enterprises from European countries. Based on the results of the research, it was ascertained that the level of use of information and communication technologies by Polish enterprises is low. Poland was placed 24th in the ranking of countries covered by the study. A weakness of Polish enterprises is the relatively low level of use of cloud computing services and social media. Poland performs best in terms of Internet access and IT use in termsof integrating internal processes as well as contacts with customers, suppliers, and supply chain management. The adopted diagnostic features show that the highest level of use of information and communication technologies in enterprises can be found in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Ireland. The countries with the lowest levels of ICT use by enterprises are Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania.


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How to Cite

Witczak-Roszkowska, D. (2021). Digitisation of Polish enterprises compared to selected European countries. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (65), 90–108. https://doi.org/10.15584/nsawg.2021.1.5


