Importance of EU funds in the promotion of digital inclusion in Polish regions


  • Małgorzata Dziembała Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice



digital inclusion, EU funds, European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme Digital Poland 2014–2020, information and communication technologies


The digitalisation process implies many benefits for its active participants. However, some companies, individuals and social groups are excluded from this process, which leads to digital inequalities. The aim of the article is to evaluate Polish regions (NUTS 2) in terms of their digital inclusion and to indicate the importance of EU funds in supporting digital inclusion in Poland. It is claimed that the role of external financial support from EU funds is important in promoting digital inclusion in Polish regions.
Support for ICT development is becoming very important in Poland and its regions. In the perspective of 2014–2020, an operational programme dedicated to promoting the development and use of ICT was developed: Digital Poland 2014–2020 Operational Programme. Also within the framework of regional operational programmes implemented in the regions of Poland, including Silesia, priorities or undertakings related to the support for ICT development were identified This requires the implementation of a wide range of projects, from the improvement of access to the Internet, through the improvement of accessibility and quality of public e-services, to further development of digital competences. Without prompt actions in this regard, the problem of digital exclusion in Poland and its regions will further intensify.


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How to Cite

Dziembała, M. (2021). Importance of EU funds in the promotion of digital inclusion in Polish regions. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (66), 52–66.


