Organisation of running events – reducing exclusions and improving the quality of life


  • Jacek Łuczak Department of Quality Management Poznań University of Economics and Business



quality of life, fight against exclusions, running activity, risk management in sport, social aspects of sport


Physical activity is a basic factor of human development – it brings satisfaction, vitality, energy, has a therapeutic dimension and affects the quality of life. Among the large group of amateur athletes, there are people vulnerable to social exclusions related to disabilities, psychological dysfunctions, sex and social status. For these people sport is a cure for loneliness and lack of self-confidence, as well as it positively affects their motivation to overcome barriers, which is reflected in other spheres of their lives. One sport that in particular integrates different social groups is running, as confirmed by the growing number of amateur runners, training activities dedicated to them and running events organised for them. However, it is important that organisers of such events ensure the safety of participants and take care of their satisfaction and comfort by holistic planning of all organisational activities. The study hypothesised that factors concerning the safety, comfort and satisfaction of participants play a vital role in organising running events. The aim of the article was to identify and assess the risk of organising running competitions for amateurs in the context of ensuring safety and satisfaction for all participants of the event. In particular, the author noted the risk factors of a social nature, conducive to integration, associated with countering exclusions. The paper presents test results for national competitions involving 21 and 42 km runs. The identification of risk factors was performed by 10 experts (the Delphi method) and 27 representatives of 7 running events organised in Poland (2017–2018) (risk estimate, a questionnaire) took part in the risk estimation. Risk estimation was carried out on the basis of average (effect and probability). The results of the study provide unequivocal information about the spheres of organising sporting events which in the highest degree can affect the safety and comfort of their participants and the perception of the competition itself. Among the key risks there were: inadequate financial and organisational resources, route capacity, or technical problems. Moreover, the paper includes an attempt to discuss results of other research.


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How to Cite

Łuczak, J. (2021). Organisation of running events – reducing exclusions and improving the quality of life. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (67), 95–109.


