Innovativeness of the regions in Poland – state and conditions
innovation, EIS methodology, innovation indicators, regions of PolandAbstract
The aim of the study was to assess the diversification of the degree of innovation in the Polish regions. For the analysis 21 partial indicators were used, these were grouped into four areas describing the level of innovation in each region (framework conditions, investments, innovative activities, influence). The data was taken from the European Innovation Scoreboard 2021. Hellwig’s development pattern method was used in the research. A ranking was created based on the synthetic variable, and typological groups of regions were extracted with a similar development level in each of the assessed areas. The results obtained from organizing and classifying individual voivodeships showed the distance between individual voivodeships with regard to the examined criteria, and allowed for the creation of a qualitative and quantitative description of the existing disproportions. The most innovative region in Poland is the statistically separate Warsaw capital district. At the same time, the difference between the rest of the Mazowiecki region and its capital is clearly visible, as well as the necessity to further concentrate European Union resources there in order to stimulate the development of the region. Among the leaders of innovation, apart from the Warsaw district, are the Małopolski, Pomorski, and Dolnośląski regions. The Podkarpacki region holds a relatively high position in the areas of investment, innovative activities and influence (concerning employment, selling innovative products and sustainable development), and is situated to the second (II) group. On the other hand its weakness include its framework conditions (human capital, attractive research systems and digitalization). The lowest level of innovation was recorded in the aforementioned Mazowieckie region (excluding Warsaw), and in the Świętokrzyski, Zachodniopomorski, and Warmiński-mazurski regions. Each voivodeship is distinguished by its specificity, hence the obtained results may constitute important indicators for local governments to adopt courses of action to stimulate the process of building regional innovation systems.
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