Politics, growth and inequalities in China since 1949. An assessment attempt
China, Chinese economy, economic reforms, economic transitionAbstract
The aim of the article is to examine and present the policies, processes and effects of economic growth in China since 1949, i.e. the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Two research questions were formulated on this basis: how the processes of economic growth and development progressed in Mao Zadong’s times, and how the reforms during the Deng Xiaoping period influenced the economy of modern China. A historical analysis based on domestic and foreign literature is mainly used in the paper, as well as an analysis of existing data. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the economic policy in the Maoist era, despite all its flaws and defects, made a huge contribution to the development of China, leading, inter alia, to reducing illiteracy and extreme poverty. Finally, the policy supplemented by more efficient market mechanisms led to the true prosperity of this country. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to notice the problems that are growing and in the next few years may become a barrier to further growth: high inequalities, an ageing population, and environmental issues. Given China’s ability to adapt and solve problems, we may hope that they will also resolve these problems. The challenges China is facing are serious, nevertheless, taking into account the way they have overcome, it can be hoped that the current problems will also be resolved.
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