Differentiation of salaries between PKD sections in the Świętokrzyskie region





salaries, wages, voivodship, region, sections of the national economy


The aim of the article is to evaluate the differences in wage levels and to analyse the differentiation of wages by PKD (Polish version of NACE classification) section in the Świętokrzyskie region in 2013–2020. The average monthly gross wages and salaries according to the PKD section in the Świętokrzyskie region were used for this purpose, on the basis of which the percentage deviations from the average wage in the region and the growth dynamics were calculated. An analysis of wages and salaries was also carried out for Poland and compared with inflation. For the analysis and evaluation, statistical data published in the Statistical Yearbooks of the Statistical Office in Kielce and the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw for 2013–2020 were used.
In the Świętokrzyskie region there was a relatively large differentiation in salaries. The highest salaries were in the section of financial and insurance activities. High wages resulted from the fact that this section was developing very dynamically in the analysed period. On the other hand, the financial and insurance activity in the market economy gained in importance, and specialists in this field had to be well rewarded. Salaries were also high in public administration and national defence, while the lowest were in the accommodation and catering section. The Świętokrzyskie region is not very attractive in terms of economy and tourism. In the analysed period, the growth rate of average monthly gross wages and salaries by sections in the region was diversified and higher than the inflation rate, although inflation was rising. 


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How to Cite

Antoszak, P. (2022). Differentiation of salaries between PKD sections in the Świętokrzyskie region. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (71), 65–79. https://doi.org/10.15584/nsawg.2022.3.4


