Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial situation of enterprises from the construction sector in Poland




COVID-19 pandemic, discrimination analysis, financial condition


The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark on the global economy. The issues raised in the study present the impact of the pandemic on the construction sector in Poland. The verification of the financial condition of enterprises was carried out with the use of three of R. Jagiełło’s discriminatory models– construction sector, T. Maślanka’s model 4 and B. Prusak’s model 1. 22 enterprises; 18 limited liability companies and 4 stock-offering companies were included in the research sample, and the research period was 2018–2020. The conducted analysis made it possible to assess the financial condition of the surveyed companies, including the identification of entities at risk of bankruptcy. T. Maślanka’s model showed a deterioration of the financial condition in the first year of the pandemic (2020) compared to the previous year (2019) in 13 companies, which is 59% of the sample, but only one company reached a value that put it at risk of bankruptcy. B. Prusak’s model shows the decline in the function value of 10 companies (45% of the surveyed units) while R. Jagiełło’s model showed a worse financial condition in 8 enterprises (36% of the total research sample).


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How to Cite

Kłosowska, A. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial situation of enterprises from the construction sector in Poland. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (71), 132–141.


