Effects of the migration crisis and methods of mitigating them on the example of cities of the Silesia agglomeration





migration, effects of the migration crisis, unemployment, labour market


Poland, as a country bordering the war zone, became the main escape destination for refugees from Ukraine. The sudden wave of migration was an enormous challenge for the authorities and local governments, which had to take costly measures to deal with the crisis. The expenses incurred may bring benefits to the Polish economy in the future, providing the immigrants remain in the country even after the end of the war in Ukraine. By taking up employment, young people can fill the gaps in the labour market, increase tax revenues and improve the demographic situation. The aim of the study was to assess selected effects of the migration crisis for Poland, and compare the measures taken to assist refugees and the sources of their financing by selected cities of the Silesian agglomeration. The work analyses the data on the level of unemployment for Poland and selected cities. A comparative analysis of the activities undertaken by the cities of Katowice and Bytom and the financial outlays incurred for this purpose was carried out. The research shows that refugees arriving in the country were quickly absorbed by the labour market, and their presence did not negatively affect the level of wages in the economy. The assistance offered by the cities of Katowice and Bytom enabled the migrants to adapt to the new reality. Both cities carried out very similar activities, such as providing accommodation, food, and medical assistance. The support provided to migrants was financed from the city budget and external funds.


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How to Cite

Werczyńska, D. (2022). Effects of the migration crisis and methods of mitigating them on the example of cities of the Silesia agglomeration. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (71), 156–168. https://doi.org/10.15584/nsawg.2022.3.10


