Assessment of statutory salaries of teachers in Poland in the context of the theory of measuring human capital and fair remuneration


  • Barbara Oliwkiewicz Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego



human capital, fair remuneration, teachers’ salaries


The teaching profession is recognised as one of the professions of public trust. It is teachers and parents who shape the human capital of future employees. A person undertaking this job should have appropriate predispositions as well as competences based on specific and pedagogical qualifications. A teacher’s job is responsible and can also be stressful. In primary schools and kindergartens, this profession is regulated by the Teacher’s Charter Act, which in turn stipulates that teachers should have: higher education and pedagogical preparation, appropriate knowledge and adequate health, and that they should follow basic moral principles because they are role models for students.

The aim of the study is to assess the fairness of teachers’ statutory salaries. Unfortunately, in recent years, this profession has been very neglected and undervalued. Teachers often leave school for business, which is mainly due to inadequate remuneration for this profession. Additionally, frustration and social anxiety have led to the depreciation of this profession, and it is the primary school teacher who has a significant impact on the development of each student’s human capital. It can be said that teachers contribute to shaping the value of the human capital of subsequent generations who will enter the labour market and have a huge impact on the development of the economy and society. Their work is important to society and should be fairly remunerated. It should, but it is not. Currently, a beginner teacher (university graduate) is remunerated at the same level as an 18-year-old leaving school and starting work in a store, bakery or car repair shop. 


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How to Cite

Oliwkiewicz, B. (2024). Assessment of statutory salaries of teachers in Poland in the context of the theory of measuring human capital and fair remuneration. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (77), 135–148.


