The significance of organisational values in creating corporate culture


  • Maciej Gitling University of Rzeszów



organisational culture, value-based management, human resources, managerial staff


The values promoted by a given organisational culture influence the functioning of human resources in an organisation and its contacts with the external environment. The organisational values create an organisational culture and contribute to its effectiveness. The organisational values result from social relations between people, affect their shape and lead to job satisfaction. The values are therefore the basis for a social system and cultural identity of any organisation, they constitute organisation’s essence and specificity. Empirical research indicates that organisational culture is a significant resource supporting the mission and strategy of enterprises to which it should be adapted. The interest in the organisational culture is related to its enormous influence on various areas of functioning of the organisation. A special role of promoting organisational cultures is assigned to managerial staff, on whom hangs the effectiveness of the organisation. Depending on the organisation’s profile, type and country of origin of the capital, there may be a different catalogue and hierarchy of accepted organisational values. Despite numerous studies on the importance of the role of value-based management, the managerial staff do not always promote and respect it. The issue of matching organisational values with the values declared by employees themselves is as important as the value-based management. It is therefore about such employee management that creates common collaboration and involvement platform of both the managerial staff and the employees themselves in order to satisfy the interests of the company and aspirations of its employees. Nor should one overlook that the properly shaped organisational culture strengthens the ethical sphere of the whole organisation and forms interactions and relations between various stakeholders.



How to Cite

Gitling, M. (2020). The significance of organisational values in creating corporate culture. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 1(57), 342–350.


