Social inequality and economic growth in MENA countries




MENA countries, Middle East and North Africa, social inequalities, growth


The text explores the topic of social inequalities manifesting in access to various goods by individuals, social groups, or entire societies. These inequalities may involve economic, cultural, powerrelated, educational, or prestige aspects. The main aim of the study is to try to answer the question: Is there a statistical relationship between the level of inequality and economic growth in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa? The author emphasises the global nature of the issue of social inequalities, noting their occurrence worldwide, but defines the scope of the study to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The main research methods employed in the study include critical literature analysis, secondary data analysis, as well as correlation and regression analysis.

In the subsequent part of the text, the authors discuss the results of the conducted research using statistical methods. It is highlighted that there is no clear correlation between inequalities and economic growth, which may arise from the interdisciplinary nature of the problem and the necessity to consider qualitative research methods.

In the concluding section, the author observes that an excessive focus on quantitative methods in economics may be unjustified, especially when dealing with complex issues, such as social inequalities. The recommendation is made for a greater application of qualitative methods, emphasising the need to consider the social and economic context in the analysis of inequalities. The author points out that overcoming inequalities while simultaneously fostering economic growth is achievable, and international agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals may serve as inspiration for actions aimed at achieving this ideal.


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How to Cite

Rabczun, A. (2024). Social inequality and economic growth in MENA countries. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (78), 44–62.


