Theoretical basis for the assessment of the functioning of local government in Poland


  • Eugeniusz Wojciechowski University of Łódź
  • Marek Wojciechowski University of Łódź



local government, public management, evaluation


The assessment of the functioning and development of local government is one of the most difficult aspects in the economic interpretation of its activities. The activity associated with making various assessments of the economy and public life in local government is a key element of the public management process (governance). Knowledge about this subject is still small and has a partial character. The aim of the considerations in the article is a set of assessments treated as a system concerning the functioning of self-government. The authors accept the following research thesis: the set of self-government assessments is a looser arrangement than a coherent management system. The role of local government assessments results from the fulfillment of many functions for the needs of decision-making processes (providing information, the basis for the selection of objectives, evaluation of the ways in which the authorities operate). Every activity needs measures (assessments) that allow defining the status and achievements of public management entities on a local scale. The issues of assessing the functioning and development of local government are multi-faceted and multi-level. The assessments concern their nature, type, conditions, elements of local government structures, standards. Therefore, the common denominator of the analysis is the search for adequate assessment criteria and their coordination in politics and public management in Poland.



How to Cite

Wojciechowski, E., & Wojciechowski, M. (2020). Theoretical basis for the assessment of the functioning of local government in Poland. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 4(56), 9–22.


