Investment activity and the problem of indebtedness of local self-government units


  • Jakub Kwaśny Cracow University of Economics



local self-government units, public debt, investment activity, regional and local development


The aim of the article is to show off the lack of adequacy of financial resources in relation to the tasks imposed on local self-government units (LGU) in Poland. The scientific problem discussed in the article is the level of decentralization of public finances in the context of local government units investment activity and the level of their indebtedness in 2006–2016. The study was divided into five parts, i.e. literature analysis on LGU income sources, metodology, case study of the Malopolskie Voivodship, including statistical analysis of property expenditure and local government debt and conclusions. Analysis of the case study allowed to observe higher investment activity of municipalities and poviats. In addition, significant disproportions were noted regarding the debt between urban and rural municipalities with the same name and between the municipalities and poviats. The basic conclusion contained in the article is the necessity to reform the territorial organization of the country; more effective division of income and competences between local government units and further decentralization of public finances in Poland.



How to Cite

Kwaśny, J. (2020). Investment activity and the problem of indebtedness of local self-government units. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 4(56), 148–157.


