About the Journal

Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formerly Scientific Journals of the University of Rzeszów, Legal Series) is a quarterly published by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Rzeszów, referring in its idea to the tradition of publishing their own scientific journals by universities. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia are the continuator of the Scientific Journals of the University of Rzeszów, the Legal Series, whose history dates back to the Rzeszów Scientific Journals of Law and Economics, published by the UMCS Branch in Rzeszów, in their current form since 2003. They contain works (scientific articles, reviews, reports, glosses) on various branches and areas of private and public law, theory and history of law and comparative law. Some texts are published in foreign languages, especially in English and Slovak. The authors of the publication are both theoreticians and practitioners of law, from Poland and abroad.

By the decision of the Minister of Education and Science, 40 points are obtained for publishing an Acta Iuridica Resoviensia. Link to the List of Periodicals (02/09/2021)

The original version of the journal is the printed version.

Acta Iuridica Resoviensia has been included in CEEOL (THE CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN ONLINE LIBRARY) recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, an electronic, publicly accessible database that allows access to full texts of publications, appearing mainly in national languages ​​in journals devoted to social sciences and humanities published in Central and South-Eastern Europe, in order to disseminate them in the international scientific circuit (www.ceeol.com).

Acta Iuridica Resoviensia is also included in the Index Copernicus International database and is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).

The full texts of articles published in Acta Iuridica Resoviensia can be found on the website of the Repository of the University of Rzeszów Library (repository).

Publishing rules

We encourage all interested parties to read the content of the website and the rules for submitting texts for publication. The author must register on the journal's website before starting the review process, and if he is already registered, he should log in, if he already has an account in the system.

There are four issues of Acta Iuridica Resoviensia in a given year. Articles are accepted continuously only via the OJS platform after logging in. The editorial office kindly asks you not to send your articles to the editorial office's e-mail address. Articles sent to the e-mail address will not be included in the review procedure.

After placing the file with the article on the publishing platform, the time for the initial evaluation of the article in terms of meeting the formal requirements is 60 days. The waiting period for the review is 90 days. The waiting time for the publication of the submitted text is 210 days.

No fees are charged from the Authors for the submitted texts.

The Editorial Board kindly asks the Authors to read the file below, which contains a sample article along with an explanation of editorial requirements. Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed.

Link to the editorial requirements file

Current Issue

Vol. 43 No. 125 (2023)
					View Vol. 43 No. 125 (2023)
Published: 2023-12-30


View All Issues

Editors of Acta Iuridica Resoviensia

(formerly Scientific Journals of the University of Rzeszów, Legal Series)

Institute of Legal Sciences, University of Rzeszów

Plac Ofiar Getta 4/5, 35-002 Rzeszów
