Test Control as a Method for Assessing Students’ Academic Achievements in History of Foreign Literature (Based on the Creative Work of Bruno Schultz)

Тестовий контроль як метод оцінювання навчальних досягнень студентів з історії зарубіжної літератури (на матеріалі творчості Бруно Шульца)





assessment, testing, History of Foreign Literature Literature of Borderland, Bruno Schulz.


The current state of the Ukrainian education system obliges specialists to look for new approaches to assessing students’ academic achievement, to become acquainted with approaches to assessing learning outcomes in other countries, as well as with the results of international studies in which Ukraine participates, etc. Nowadays, the optimal form of assessing the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of applicants for higher education in Ukraine, taking into account the international and domestic experience, is test control. Testing as a method of assessment is being actively developed and widely used today as it allows impartial, effective, and objective assessment of students’ learning outcomes. The paper considers the issue of test control of knowledge, skills, and abilities of applicants for higher education in classes of foreign literature in institutions of higher education in the pedagogical faculty. The experience of using test technologies in teaching philological disciplines to future language and literature teachers has been unified by the State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (Sloviansk, Ukraine). In particular, there are various options for using tests during current, intermediate, boundary, or final test control sessions, as well as for checking the tests with the material of the creative work of one of the most original Polish authors of the 20th century – Bruno Schulz (1892 –1942), an outstanding artist, thinker, talented writer, literary critic, artist, painter, graphic artist, and teacher. The number of examples characterizing each type of the offered classification of test tasks is given.



How to Cite

Маторина, Н. (2021). Test Control as a Method for Assessing Students’ Academic Achievements in History of Foreign Literature (Based on the Creative Work of Bruno Schultz): Тестовий контроль як метод оцінювання навчальних досягнень студентів з історії зарубіжної літератури (на матеріалі творчості Бруно Шульца). Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, 16(7), 266–278. https://doi.org/10.15584/dyd.pol.16.2021.20

