Poverty in Ukraine due to Russian military aggression
war, Ukraine, poverty, welfare, victoryAbstract
The purpose of this study was to establish the real level of poverty in Ukraine and to determine its meaning and factors of its formation in the specific conditions of Russian military aggression in the country and to form a vision of the nearest prospects of its dynamics. The methodology of the conducted research was formed on the basis of a dialectical approach to the study of socioeconomic phenomena in an organic combination with the methods of analysis and synthesis as well as induction and deduction using the method of scientific abstraction and the analytical-descriptive method. The tool for determining the prevalence of poverty and the degree of impoverishment of the population is the poverty line. Two main methods of its definition are used: normative and relative (statistical). It has been established that the war has caused catastrophic damage to the country’s economy and is the main factor in the sharp increase in the poverty level of the population. At the same time, the issue of poverty is not a priority for the population of Ukraine at present. Purely objectively, for a country under the blows of an aggressor who is waging war to destroy it, the poverty rate makes no economic sense; rather, it has political and social significance. The first task is to end the war in an unambiguous version – the absolute victory of Ukraine, which corresponds to the interests of all civilised humanity. The prospects for reducing the level of poverty in Ukraine depend on the duration of the war and the level of destruction of the country’s economy, as well as the quality of development of the country’s economy and its population at a new level. The latter will depend on the degree of inclusiveness of the new economic and political institutions. It is clear that a purely objective condition for the successful operation of the mentioned factors is the economic and political support of Ukraine by partner countries.
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