System Clustering of Media Space in Ukraine: Economic and Social Analysis


  • Andrii Chuzhykov Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman



media-cluster, global networks, television of Ukraine


Intensive modernization of the global economy leads to the emergence of fundamentally new forms of economic growth. Clusters whose evolution over the past twenty years has been quite rapid are a conclusive evidence of this. At the beginning of the 21st century clusters evolved from the predominantly localized innovative industrial complexes to the global services systems, core product of which very often is information. Mediaclusters are a typical example of the new functions performed by clusters in the European economy, and their role can hardly be overes-timated under the conditions of the third industrial revolution. The identification of mediaclusters’ essence is an important task of the modern economic research, as it suggests the need to utilize classification and hierarchical approaches, as well as the estimation of the respective locali-zation effectiveness. The essential moment for the understanding of global clustering processes is the provision of competitive framework for the cooperation of media holdings, which together can form a cluster while maintaining the principles of collaboration and ensuring the minimization of production, commercialization and distribution of information product, the most important of which is the TV product, the total expenditure for its production is quite high. In the context of Ukraine clustering of the television space carries both numerous benefits (increasing competitive status, reduction of non-productive costs, optimization of the pavilion activity, increasing the level of depreciation for the operation of expensive equipment etc.) and risks (cognitive control over public opinion, the monopolization of the airtime, the elimination of small companies, whose share in the national broadcasting time does not exceed 1 %).  




How to Cite

Chuzhykov, A. (2020). System Clustering of Media Space in Ukraine: Economic and Social Analysis. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 3(47), 405–414.


