Age Management and Using Human Capital in a Company


  • Małgorzata Adamska-Chudzińska Cracow University of Economics



age management, human capital, employee „50 ”


The article presents major results of age diversity management in the context of using human capital in a company. The practical use of the concept of age diversity management might be one of the possibilities of addressing threats connected with losing stability or deficiency in employ-ment in companies resulting from unfavourable social and demographic changes. The essence of the age management concept is a new way of perceiving older employees and creating a friendly working environment for employees of all age groups, taking into consideration their age dependent needs and abilities. Age management is based on the system of various actions concern-ing employees' development, professional career, psychological and physical condition and em-ployment time taken in order to use human capital reasonably and effectively and fight against discrimination of „50+” employees. The main approaches to age management were presented, taking into consideration perspec-tives of all the interested entities, that is, employees, companies, and the state. The significance of the all-embracing execution and the key role of a company in shaping the participation of employ-ees in a working environment directly were emphasized. It was showed that an increase in effec-tiveness of using human capital, which might take place as a result of putting age diversity man-agement actions into practice of companies' functioning, manifests itself in several forms. These are: a) an increase in using the potential of employees of all ages, b) an increase in intellectual capital value of companies, c) a decrease in costs of work and organization, d) an increase in a number of clients, e) stimulation of older employees' development. On the basis of the observed barriers in popularising the concept of age management, there was a postulate formulated concerning working out a model, specific for Polish conditionings, which could be the basis for building the strategy of age diversity management in companies, providing high effectiveness of using human capital, and employees' satisfaction.



How to Cite

Adamska-Chudzińska, M. (2020). Age Management and Using Human Capital in a Company. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 2(46), 334–344.


