Impact of COVID-19 epidemiological restrictions on the activities of cultural institutions in Poland


  • Katarzyna Szara Department of Economics and Management University of Rzeszow
  • Eliza Frejtag-Mika Department of Economics and Management University of Rzeszow



cultural institutions, COVID-19 pandemic, activity restrictions


The aim of the study is to try to identify the impact of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of cultural institutions. In order to achieve the adopted goal, the method of critical analysis of the literature was used, using secondary data from the Central Statistical Office concerning the cultural sector since the announcement of the pandemic in Poland. The discussed issue is of significant importance in relation to the consequences of the pandemic and the search for solutions mitigating its negative impact. The topic of the work is topical due to the continuity of the pandemic, the uncertainty of the functioning of cultural institutions despite the restoration of their activities, the need to adapt to the new reality and the possibility of applying measures to counteract the crisis. The suspension of activities by cultural institutions was the basic organisational factor that caused, inter alia, redundancies and remote work. This form of work contributed to maintaining relations with recipients.

When comparing the first and second quarters of 2020, it should be noted that the increase in the “significant” effects of the pandemic in all units of cultural institutions was distinguished by their legal form. The greatest impact of the effects of the pandemic concerned voivodeship self-government organisational units. And in the structure of the CAC, these were institutions that provided activities related to the production of films, video recordings and television programs. The largest decrease in revenues – above 90% – was recorded for these voivodeship self-government organisational units. The activities undertaken by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, which include preserving culture, involve support under grants and scholarship programs, but a long-term policy and a radical revision of the activities are needed so that cultural institutions start to generate income.


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How to Cite

Szara, K., & Frejtag-Mika, E. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 epidemiological restrictions on the activities of cultural institutions in Poland. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (65), 212–223.


