Development of public analysis services in Poland against the background of the European Union
e-administration services, EU countries, Perkal’s method, Ward’s method, inequalities in access to and use of ICT, The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)Abstract
The information society, which was born along with the development of information and communication technologies, is a commonly used term in everyday life, both personally and professionally. The aim of the article is to evaluate the level of development of e-government services in the European Union countries, with particular emphasis on Poland. For the purpose of the research, the Perkal and Ward methods were used and the following indicators: DESI and EGDI. The available data from Eurostat and the Central Statistical Office in the area of public e-government services for citizens were analyzed. The article also refers to the development priorities of Poland and the European Union in terms of e-administration development. E-administration is one of the most important areas determining the essence of the information society. Rapid progress is observed in the development of e-government in Europe. However, it is not even, and there are significant inequalities in the access and use of ICT in individual Member States. Societies strive for quick and convenient handling of civil matters via the Internet. Electronic public administration in EU countries is under going a digital transformation, from traditional handling of citizens’ affairs to modern, i.e. electronic implementation of public services. As the research shows, the level of development of e-government services in Poland differs from the average in the EU, despite a significant improvement in such areas as open data, pre-filled forms and the availability of e-administration services for enterprises.
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