Selected concepts in measuring income inequality


  • Grzegorz Przekota Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Koszalin University of Technology



income inequalities, measurement, methodology


Determining the level of income inequality requires the adoption of a specific measurement methodology. The aim of the study was to review and discuss the methodologies used to measure income inequality. Four measures are presented, each based on different assumptions. These measures were the Gini coefficient, Theil coefficient, Kukuła coefficient and unevenness coefficient. The firs three measures, and in particular the Gini coefficient, are commonly described in the literature, while the unevenness coefficient is the author’s proposal for measuring income inequality. The empirical material for the research consists of data on the distribution of disposable income by decile groups in households in Poland for the years 2005–2017.

The most important issue in practice regarding the measurement of income inequality was the transfer principle. Depending on the methodology adopted, the transfer of income is treated differently The Gini, Theil and Kukula coefficients respond to any change in the income distribution, while the unevenness coefficient only to changes above the average. In a situation where the Gini coefficie (Theil and Kukula) decreases (increases), the level of inequality decreases (increases), but it is not known which transfers led to such a result. The decreasing (growing) unevenness coefficient means that these were transfers from groups with shares in income above (below) the average for groups with shares below (above) the average.


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How to Cite

Przekota, G. (2021). Selected concepts in measuring income inequality. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (66), 16–32.




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