Financialization and financial problems of enterprises in the Visegrad Group countries


  • Justyna Chmiel Department of Finance and Accounting University of Rzeszów
  • Rafał Pitera Department of Finance and Accounting, University of Rzeszów



financial activities, the Visegrad Group, financialization, financial processes, bankruptcy of enterprises


Financialization is currently an issue frequently discussed in the literature on the subject. This process, often perceived as an expansion of the financial sphere that penetrates various aspects of the economy, also has an increasing impact on the functioning of non-financial enterprises, which, on the surface, may appear to be entities that might not expect to be affected by this process. The article deals with the issue of financialization and its impact on the running of economic activities for enterprises operating in the economy. The literature frequently expresses the view that the increasing level of processes related to financialization has a negative impact on the conduct of business activity by enterprises, which in extreme cases results in their bankruptcy. Therefore, this research attempts to determine how the advancement of financial processes, or financialization, in an economic entity affects its financial situation (results). To achieve this objective, the following research hypothesis was formulated: A high level of financialization increases the probability of problems related to bankruptcy processes. To verify the research hypothesis and the purpose, a survey was conducted on all companies with financial data in the Orbis database from countries in the Visegrad Group. Furthermore, financial data for the years 2009–2018 was analyzed. The research tools used for this purpose are referred to (assumed) in the literature as measures of assessing the level of financialization. The results obtained through the study do not give a clear answer confirming the hypothesis set out at the beginning of the article. One important conclusion that can be drawn from the research is that the Visegrad Group countries are not characterized by a very high level of financialization, and it can be presumed that there are few noticeable negative symptoms of financialization. Moreover, there is a correlation between the increase in indicators considered characteristic of financialization and the unfavorable financial situation of non-financial enterprises.


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How to Cite

Chmiel, J., & Pitera, R. (2021). Financialization and financial problems of enterprises in the Visegrad Group countries. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (68), 161–173.


