Contemporary determinants of the efficiency of the capital market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange


  • Małgorzata Białas-Szymańska Faculty of Management and Logistics, Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Economics



capital market, market efficiency, types of efficiency, research, investor


The aim of the article is to characterise selected historical issues and the contemporary perception of the response of financial asset prices in the capital market. It also attempts to partially analyse the most important reasons for the current level of effectiveness of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This is significantly related to the widespread interest of investors in the functioning of capital markets, especially stock exchanges. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the mechanisms shaping share prices. The presentations of the following key theories may prove helpful in this respect: Efficient market hypotheses, the concept of a coherent market, and hypotheses of adaptation markets.

The efficiency of the capital market, especially the stock exchange market, can be understood in various ways, although most often in economic research, this concept is equated with information efficiency. Importantly, care for an efficient capital market is crucial from the point of view of economic development based on innovations, which are largely financed by this market. The efficiency of the capital market is one of the most discussed topics among practitioners because it has very serious consequences for investors. The article presents the latest regulations that are to have a positive impact on the development of the capital market in Poland and in the European Union, as well as historical content in the scope of the above-mentioned effective market hypothesis, the concept of a coherent market and the hypothesis of adaptation markets. The author has also attempted to characterise contemporary conditions that affect or are to affect the development of the domestic capital market in the near future.


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How to Cite

Białas-Szymańska, M. (2022). Contemporary determinants of the efficiency of the capital market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (70), 159–174.


