Thermodynamic approach to the theory of fair remuneration


  • Jurij Renkas Cracow University of Economics



fair wage, thermodynamics, economic constant, fundamental principles


Limiting itself within the framework of this article only to the issues of the theory of fair remuneration, the key questions are: what is the criterion of fair remuneration, where does it come from, and where to look for it? The main purpose of this article is to present a model of a fair wage in terms of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics. In an economic interpretation, this is the principle of preservation of capital and the principle of its spontaneous and random dissipation, which is related to the second principle of thermodynamics. Based on thermodynamic knowledge of the functioning of the human body as an abstract heat engine, a thermodynamic model of a fair wage was presented, which consists in compensating the worker for the natural dissipation of their personal capital. It was confirmed that, as a result of the application of this principle of remuneration, the earnings of two working parents make it possible to bring two descendants to the level of human capital they have achieved: that is, this wage guarantees the preservation of human capital in the family.


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How to Cite

Renkas, J. (2022). Thermodynamic approach to the theory of fair remuneration. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (71), 25–37.


