Estimation of productivity changes of the Polish industry




gross value added, Tornqvist index, decomposition, TFP growth, EU KLEMS


This article aims to estimate productivity changes in industries where the liquidation of industrial facilities had occurred on a large scale during the period of systemic transformation in Poland. The research is based on the application of the factor decomposition method of gross value added and the use of the Tornqvist index to describe the production growth and the industrial modernisation between 1995 and 2017.

The study revealed growth changes and factor relocations in selected industries and confirmed the trend for the Polish industry to grow at the aggregated level during the research period. The limitation of the analysis is the focus on industrial sectors where factory closures reached the highest level. To acknowledge the significance of the research findings in terms of future needs and challenges, we must examine more industries and compare TFP growth patterns in other countries.

This study contributes to understanding productivity changes in selected industries within the Polish industry as a whole and provides valuable insights into the modern scope of its development.

The identification of comprehensive regulatory solutions emphasises the importance of investing in physical and human capital, and reallocating resources to more productive industries and enterprises in order to accelerate the innovation progress within the Polish industry and achieve the best possible market position.


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How to Cite

Myrgorodska, L. (2024). Estimation of productivity changes of the Polish industry. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (77), 75–94.


