Unique fabrics with sacred themes in the Cyprian Kamil Norwid State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin.

Reflections on art for which there is no place in the Church





artistic fabric, unique fabric, fabric in the Western Church, Cyprian Kamil Norwid State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin


The starting point for the article are unique fabrics that expose the broadly understood spiritual element in art. All of them were made as diploma works completing the education process on the “artistic textile” specialisation at the Cyprian Kamil Norwid State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin. The aim of the text is not to collect them in the form of a catalogue but, based on eleven selected examples, to indicate the artistic paths followed by young people, discovering various ways of depicting spirituality. Even a cursory review of the research material reveals a multitude of solutions, among which there are two dominant strategies. One draws inspiration from the Christian iconosphere, from specific works, from art produced in specific years and in the style typical for them. The other is looking for an alternative language of artistic expression, sometimes closer to abstraction than to mimetic representations. Both do not shy away from material and technological experiments. Next to fabrics understood as textile products, obtained in the process of weaving with various techniques, there are projects closer to soft sculpture, installations.

            The latter part of the article discusses the past significance of decorative fabrics in the interior design of churches and their role in the liturgy of the Western Church. In their context, an attempt is made to indicate the reasons for the contemporary elimination of this artistic field from the sacred interior and for the depreciation of this discipline of art, the status of which is closer to a craft than to the so-called pure arts. In the 1970s, the Church in Poland was one of the patrons of artistic textiles: in the form of purchases and commissions as well as organising large exhibitions presenting the art of fabric. The paper is concluded with reflections on whether a change in this field is possible, because this unique art has a huge ideological potential: it is a carrier of meanings no worse than other art disciplines.


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How to Cite

Kierczuk-Macieszko, M. (2023). Unique fabrics with sacred themes in the Cyprian Kamil Norwid State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin.: Reflections on art for which there is no place in the Church. Sacrum Et Decorum, (16), 115–144. https://doi.org/10.15584/setde.2023.16.6

