Responsibilities of the Author

Author Statements:

Please complete, sign and return to the Editor of "Sacrum et Decorum" the following documents:

- statement of authenticity and own authorship of the submitted text,
- a statement about the originality of the work, the application of COPE standards and respect for the property rights of third parties (including the use of illustrative materials, etc.),
- statement of possible participation of other authors
- consent to publication of personal data

Responsibilities of the Submitting Author:

The submitting author is solely responsible for communication with the Editorial Board of 'Sacrum et Decorum' and for managing communication between co-authors. Before submitting a paper, the submitting author is responsible for ensuring that all authors are included in the list of authors and that the order of the list has been agreed by all authors and that all authors are aware that the paper has been submitted.

Submitting a work to 'Sacrum et Decorum' implies that all named authors have agreed to its content. The submitting author is responsible for making sure that this consent has been reached and for managing all communication between the publication and all co-authors, before and after publication.

Editorial requirements:

Please edit the text based on the editorial guidelines published in the tab "Rules of bibliographic notation" and develop an extracted bibliography according to the listed model - adopted and used by the University of Rzeszow Publishing House.
We oblige the authors to follow the reviewers' comments and take them into account in the final version of the article, which the editors forward to the reviewers for approval.
The time for referring to the reviewers' suggestions and making appropriate corrections cannot be longer than 14 days, counting from the date of receipt of the review by the author.