

  • Tadeusz Malinowski


Dear Sylwester, Dear Professor,
Your Magnificence the Rector
I am writing not only on my own behalf, but also – as I think – on behalf of the authors and editors of this volume. And the occasion is – in this case – your jubilee, the 35th anniversary of scientific work.
As for me, I consider this anniversary to be a uniquely well-deserved celebration. The fact that the first publication was published in 1980 would not be worth mentioning, but each subsequent year brought next papers, usually not singular. Speaking of these publications I know that there are over 200 of them in your account, issued not only in Poland, but also in Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia and Austria. Hence, the Latin statement nulla dies sine linea suits you.



How to Cite

Malinowski, T. (2016). Dedication. Ana­lecta Archa­eolo­gica Res­so­viensia, 11, 11–16. Retrieved from