Ten Years of Recruitment for Archaeology in Toruń – Candidate Profiles and the Student Recruitment Process. A Multi-indicator Data Analysis
university pedagogy, academic education, youth, multi-indicator data analysis, Internet Registration of Candidates, enrollment for studies, archaeologyAbstract
The article is a research report on candidates for archaeological studies, for which the source of data was the Internet Candidate Registration (IRK) system of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The analysis was carried out on a sample of 695 people admitted to the first year of archeology at UMK, with the material covering the period from 2007 to 2017. It was
decided to build the profile of candidates for students based on six criteria: the size of the hometown and its distance from Toruń, gender, age of the candidates, completed secondary school, results of secondary school-leaving exams and recruitment decisions of candidates (priority system). As researchers, we had no influence on the set of data we had at our disposal,
the work was carried out using an already existing database, the primary purpose of which was not research or analyzes similar to ours. The text presents conclusions and generalizations based on proprietary tools for the analysis of the existing database. The conclusions, although they concern archeology itself and candidates for archeology, may be
a starting point for further analyzes of other majors. Archaeologists can use these outcomes to evaluate the condition of their discipline.
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