Country. God. Law. A Police Chaplaincy (1919–2023)


  • Kazimierz Fąfara duszpasterz Policji



Police, ministry, Police Chaplaincy, history, Country, God, Law


The aim of the article is to present the activity of pastoral work of the Catholic Church in the police force. Before Second World War priests and police chaplains had huge legal strength. As a result they took part in different patriotic ceremonies, and they were co-organizers of meetings, which were organized due to church holidays. They were blessing, giving lecturers, carrying spiritual support in fulfilling difficult tasks by police officers. During Second World War priest and police chaplains were carrying spiritual strength, and they were supporting police officers, who were involved in charity. The period of civil militia did not write acting of priests and police chaplains among police officers, who were subjected to the total socialist and atheistic indoctrination, and they were not allowed to practice their own religion. On 6th April 1990 the Polish Parliament set up the Country Police. It was the time of „coming” priests and police chaplains with the Gospel back into formation and police structures. Police officers demanded it. Chaplains are invited to different police, patriotic and even family ceremonies, during which they fulfill pastoral care services, which are determined by the Church Law. Priests play important role in formation of police officers, for they want to be with them and their families, especially during difficult times. Majority of priest and police chaplains do not take any remuneration for their pastoral care in the police force. Although Police Chaplaincy in Poland has good methods of work it demands further improving and strengthening in the police structures.


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How to Cite

Fąfara, K. (2023). Country. God. Law. A Police Chaplaincy (1919–2023). KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 35–54.



Historical continuity and change in educational thought