A study on the pedagogical axiology of Abraham H. Maslow





Maslow, humanistic pedagogy, needs, motivation and values theory, transcendence, values-B


The author seeks the presence and understanding of pedagogical values in the axiological theory of Abraham H. Maslow. First, he presents previous attempts to read the scholar’s pedagogical axiology in Poland, questioning some conclusions. Then he makes a preliminary recognition of the scholar’s theory of values and develops the issue, inquiring into the essence of values as understood by Maslow. The reconstruction made reveals the main source of Maslow’s axiology in the form of peak or transcendent human experiences. This makes it possible to present Maslow’s unified eight-level theory of needs, motivations and values, in which transcendent values are the source of humanity. The final part of the article includes not only the presentation and understanding of a dozen universal values according to Maslow, but also examples of their application in pedagogical practice. The work also points out the correlation of Maslow’s pedagogical axiology with the pedagogical views of Socrates and the pedagogical work of Eduard Spranger.


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How to Cite

Zieliński, P. (2023). A study on the pedagogical axiology of Abraham H. Maslow. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 111–136. https://doi.org/10.15584/kpe.2023.12.6



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