Benchmarking: continuous performance improvement or an antidote to difficult times? Selected issues in knowledge and employee management in the benchmarking process


  • Beata Gierczak-Korzeniowska Uniwersytet Rzeszowski



benchmarking, performance, knowledge management, human resource management, enterprise, tourism economy


Competing and succeeding in today’s economy requires extensive and diverse knowledge as well as external orientation, understood as the need for ongoing monitoring of the actions of market leaders, and, therefore, properly targeted human resource management. Benchmarking is a method that fits these assumptions, and, when used correctly and for justifiable reasons consistent with the company’s strategy, produces the desired results. Benchmarking is not a panacea which can prevent mistakes and failures, replacing the company’s efforts in areas such as quality or process management. Moreover, its implementation requires substantive staff preparation and managerial skills aimed at motivating and inspiring performance improvement. The article aims to identify the issues that managers encounter in the benchmarking process in knowledge and employee management. The basis of the paper is a review of relevant subject literature and a description of practices the author encountered in companies using benchmarking. 


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How to Cite

Gierczak-Korzeniowska, B. (2024). Benchmarking: continuous performance improvement or an antidote to difficult times? Selected issues in knowledge and employee management in the benchmarking process. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (77), 149–162.


