Bronze and glass in the symbology of liminal space. Between the sacred interior of the Christian temple and the secular exterior




bronze door, stained glass window, liminal space, entrance zone, permeation of spaces


Bronze and glass are materials that have been used for centuries in Christian church decoration as carriers of symbolic meaning. When the front façade of a church had a carved bronze door and the window placed on the axis above it was glazed, often filled with stained glass, there was a symbolic juxtaposition of material and colour: the carved bronze door in the earthly zone of the secular and the colourful glass images placed above it symbolising the sacred. The article cites examples indicating the search for new forms of expression and the formation of a new symbolism related to metal and glass in contemporary sacred art. The changes involve the introduction of colour into the decoration of bronze doors, glass inlays and the gradual domination of large panes of glass. Often, the expressiveness of glass begins to be complemented by forms created using new techniques of handling artificial light. The artists’ exploration often leads to the expansion of the church entrance, inclusion of various forms of installations, and increasingly often they turn to the use of new media. Contemporary artists are to a large extent inspired by the Church’s stance, which emphasises the importance of the liminal space between the sacred and the secular, and consequently more and more often refers to the symbolism of the door and sponsors new innovative solutions.


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How to Cite

Ryba, G. (2021). Bronze and glass in the symbology of liminal space. Between the sacred interior of the Christian temple and the secular exterior. Sacrum Et Decorum, (14), 53–72.

