The Way of the Cross by Mikuláš Medek




modernism, surrealism, Informel, image, colour, church, the Way of the Cross, cycle, Mikuláš Medek, Senetářov


In Czechoslovakia, hardly any new churches were built during the communist regime. The exceptions include the modernist church of St. Joseph in Senetářov in Moravia, for which the modern cycle of "The Way of the Cross" was created in 1970. Its author is Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974), an outstanding Czech painter inspired by surrealism and the Informel formula. The composition in Senetářov belongs to the mature period of the artist’s work, in which he used unique metaphors. The author of the paper outlines the historical context of the founding of the church and interprets Medek’s "The Way of the Cross" against the background of post-war European art and contemporary solutions of the Passion cycle.


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How to Cite

Makówka, L. (2022). The Way of the Cross by Mikuláš Medek. Sacrum Et Decorum, (15), 79–92.

