Code of Ethics

The publication ethics

Reliability in science is one of its quality basis. Readers should be sure that authors of the publication present the results of their work in a clear, fair and honest way no matter if they are individual authors or wrote the article in cooperation with a specialized body (private person or legal entity).

Proof of the ethical attitude of academic workers and high editorial standards should be full disclosure of contributions made by other entities during the preparation of the publication (content-related, material, financial, etc.)

To ensure the ethics of the scientific publications, The Scientific Council of Informatics Didactics on the basis of recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education undertakes actions aimed at eliminating ghostwriting (1) and guest authorship (2).


  • Authors are required to submit a written statement about respecting the ethical regulations of scientific publications in which:
  • All co-authors were indicated with their affiliation and contribution i.e. information who the author of the concept is, assumptions, methods, protocol etc. used in preparing the publication,
  • The contribution of particular authors was deteremined in the publication,
  • The Editorial Staff of Didactics of Information Technology will document all forms of scientific misconduct, particularly violations and breaches of ethical regulations which are in force in science,
  • Make it available on its official website all forms of violation of scientific misconduct,
  • Inform the relevant entities, institutions employing authors, scientific societies, editors of scientific assocciations etc.

1) Ghostwriting” – is when somebody made a significant contribution to the publication without disclosing his or her role as one of the authors or without mentioning his or her role in thanks included in the publication.

2) Guest authorship (honorary authorship) – – when author`s participation is negligible or had no place at all and even though he or she is the author or co-author of the publication.


A statement about respecting the ethical regulations in the publication can be downloaded here:

1) For the author (DOC | PDF)

2) For authors (DOC | PDF)