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Author Guidelines

I. Rules for the preparation of texts:
Please prepare the text on an A4 sheet taking into account the following settings:
1. font Times New Roman - size 12, line spacing 1.5; margins - 2.5.
2. volume of the article text - 20 000 characters
II. Text layout
- Author's first and last name (upper left corner) and affiliation, orcidium (if the author has it)
- Title of the article in Polish
- Title of the article in English
- Abstract of the article in Polish and keywords from 800-1000 characters
- Abstract of the article in English and keywords from 800-1000 characters
- Introduction / Foreword
- Text with distinctive subtitles
- Summary/Conclusion
- Bibliography
III. Rules for footnotes - footnotes at the bottom of the page, font 10.
(1)A bibliographic footnote of a monograph should include in sequence: initials of first name (full stop) and last name (comma), title in italics (comma), place and year of publication (comma), page number (full stop). 
E.g. J. Czerny, Filozofia wychowania, Katowice 1997, p. 28.
(2) The bibliographic notice of monographs in collective works should include the following: initials of the first name (full stop) and surname (editor) (comma), Title in italics, place and year of publication, page number (full stop). E.g. A. J. Omelaniuk, W. Pilarczyk, A. Kościszewski, (ed.), Rodzina, Młodzież, Regionalizm, Ciechanów 2000.
(3)A bibliographic reference to an article in a collective work should include the following: initials of the first name (full stop) and surname (comma) of the author of the article, title of the article in italics (comma), [in:] initials of the first name (full stop) and surname (editor) (comma), title of the work in italics, place and year of publication (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. J. Izdebska, Współczesne dziecko a obraz jego dzieciństwa, [in:] Dobro dziecka w rodzinie, ed. L. Adamowska, J. Uszyńska-Jarmoc, Białystok 2012, p. 19.
(4) When citing the same work more than once, please provide a full footnote after the first When citing the same work more than once, please provide the following: initials of first name (full stop) and last name (comma), part of the title in italics (full stop)... (comma), page (full stop).
E.g. J. Czerny, Philosophy..., p. 45. 
P. Ochwadowski, M. Sęk, Możliwości wykorzystania muzykoterapii..., p. 196.
(5) When citing the same work in two (or more) consecutive footnotes, please give the full footnote the first time. In the next footnote, please state: Ibid (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. Ibid, p. 16.
(6) Bibliographic footnotes of journal articles should include: initials of first name (full stop) and surname of the author of the article (comma), title of the article in italics (comma), title of the journal in inverted commas and year of publication (comma), journal number (comma), page (full stop).
E.g. H. Cudak, Macrosocial determinants of the life model of the modern family, "Pedagogika Rodziny" 2013, 11(2), p. 12.
IV. At the end of the text a bibliography should be included in alphabetical order, according to the following formula: author's surname, first name initial(s) (comma), title of the item in italics (comma), place and year of publication (full stop).
E.g. Szmyd K., Twórcy nauk o wychowanie w środowisku akademickim Lwowa (1860-1939), Rzeszów 2003.
In the case of a collective work:
Omelaniuk A. J., Pilarczyk W., Kościszewski A. (eds.), Family, Youth, Regionalism, Ciechanów 2000.
For bibliographic description of a journal article:
Świderska M., Forms of support for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, "Pedagogika Rodziny" 2013, 11(1).
For articles included in collective editions:
Nikitorowicz J., Tolerance as an educational value of a multicultural society, [in:]. U podstaw dialogu o edukacji, ed. A. Karpińska, Białystok 2003.
If a publication has a DOI number, it should be given in full, i.e. etc.
E.g. Sobczyk A., The Christian family in the teaching of Pope Francis, "Teologia i moralność" 2016, no. 2, doi: 10.14746/TIM.2014.16.2.14.
When citing material available on websites, include the initial of the author's first name and surname (if given), a comma, the title of the text/article in italics, the website address and the date of access (in brackets, no spaces after the full stops).
E.g. A. Ludorowska, Proven ways to deal with difficult student behaviour - what's behind it and how to respond to it, difficult-behaviour-students-what-is-behind-it-and-how-to-respond (accessed 30.03.2022).
For informational texts, provide the title of the text or material in italics, the website address and the date of access (in brackets, no spaces after the dots).
E.g. Certificate of Excellence for UR, excellence-for-ur,35735 (accessed 30.03.2022).
For electronic documents, provide the title of the keyword or material in italics, the address of the page and the date of access (in brackets, no spaces after the full stops).
E.g. Education, (accessed: 30.03.2022).
V. Other editorial comments:
Citations in the main text should be written in inverted commas and in footnotes in italics. Publication titles in the main text should be indicated in italics. The first time a name is cited in the main text, it should be written with the full name expanded. The second and each subsequent time for the same person - the initial of the first name and surname should be used.
VI. Graphs and tables:
When including figures, diagrams, tables, etc. in the text, please include a centred title above the object (font 10 bold) and indicate the source below the figure/table (font 10 bold).
Table 4
Intensity of liberal parenting style
Level of intensity of liberal style  
Source: own research results
VI. Additional information:
The condition for the acceptance of the text is the conformity of the article with the profile of the periodical "Culture-Transition-Education", the rules of text preparation and the publishing policy. Articles not conforming to these criteria will be sent back to the Authors to
By submitting their articles, authors authorise the Editorial Board of Culture-Transformations-Education to possibly shorten and edit their texts, as well as modify their titles.

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