Supporting the psychosocial potential of young people based on the me_HeLi-D project
psychosocial health, youth, digital tools, well-beingAbstract
The project presented during the conference is called “Mental Health Literacy and Diversity. Enhancing Mental Health and Resilience through digital Resources for Youth” (me_HeLi-D). The project is implemented under the Erasmus+ program in international partnership. It is focused on directly improving mental health and building mental health skills, and more indirectly, promoting diversity awareness among students. The aim of the project is to develop
a research-based digital tool, publicly available, for a specific target group of students (aged 12 to 15). The tool is intended to serve students in supporting their personal resources, strengthening and spreading knowledge about mental health. The project consortium includes professionally active teachers, health psychologists and clinical psychologists, as well as scientists dealing with inclusive education, pedagogy, psychology, sociology and computer science.
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