Students with visual impairments in a changing social and educational reality – areas in need of support
child with visual disabilities, education, transition, self-stigmatizationAbstract
The transformations that take place in various areas of social and cultural life have consequences for the functioning of students with visual impairments at every level of their education. This includes their functioning in the labour market, their interpersonal relations, plans for the future, etc. Cultural and social changes create the need to reflect on students’ skills, to prepare them for professional work and for life in a changing society. Thanks to the development of electronics, information technology and communication in recent years, people with visual impairments have gained better access to information and knowledge, and this in turn has created new work opportunities for them and has given them the chance to participate fully in society. They are not only recipients but also communicators of information, who actively participate in virtual reality. Contemporary education cannot remain indifferent to these transformations. It is essential to recognise them, as modern technologies bring not only new opportunities, but also risks. The article addresses issues such as education of a blind and visually impaired child, self-stigmatisation, and transition from education to the labour market.
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