“Taming” Popular Music in Children’s Education – theoretical-practical reflections
popular music, child education, preschool and early primary education, popular music education, popular music pedagogiesAbstract
The article presents the main principles of the "popular music education" concept, which successfully operates in several countries. The author also outlines theoretical and practical postulates justifying the need for the presence of popular music in Polish preschool and early primary education. Selected research results conducted by the author in this area over the past few years are also presented. The author considers a socio-cultural approach as the basis for her research and reflections, according to which music serves a social function, not just an aesthetic one. In the context of contemporary challenges in Polish education and child rearing (relationship crises, mental health issues, etc.), the author advocates for the official incorporation of popular music (alongside classical music, etc.) into the general music education of children. The research indicates that Polish teachers intuitively use popular music in their work with children, but they lack theoretical frameworks and methodological support. As international studies show, valuable popular music has the potential to build relationships, mutual understanding, and integration among children and youth, especially in multicultural environments. Popular music is a genre close to children and youth regardless of their country of origin or language. Furthermore, popular music provides adults with a platform to understand the world of contemporary children and youth, establish relationships with them, build cultural communities, and promote understanding. Popular music is thus one of the tools that can be used to improve the well-being of participants in the educational process, both children and adults.
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