Possibilities and methods of using distance learning applications in school practice





ICT, e-learning, education, school, remote education


The article presents the possibilities and methods of using applications supporting distance learning. The issues focus on the main others in addition to ICT in the field of didactics of early childhood and preschool education. Part one is a market overview of the children’s ICT development market. Based on parts of the study, solutions were developed which, in the opinion of experts (taking into account age and developmental possibilities), can mostly be used in the first educational age. The last of the main parts of the article, conclusions and recommendations for teachers in the field of comprehensive use of ICT in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Pawłowska, A., & Tuczyński, K. (2023). Possibilities and methods of using distance learning applications in school practice. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 189–198. https://doi.org/10.15584/kpe.2023.12.11



Family and school – common areas of education, upbringing and care