Behavioral innovativeness as an implement human-technology symbiosis in times of digital transformation


  • Teresa Bal-Woźniak Enterprise Management Department, Rzeszów University of Technology
  • Tamara Tkach Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Maryna Radieva Melitopol Institute of Public and Municipal Administration Classic Private University, Ukraine
  • Michał Gabriel Woźniak Institute of Economics and Finance, University of Rzeszow



digital transformation, sustainable development, human capital, innovativeness, competences, management


The paper is of a conceptual nature. Its purpose is specified in the thesis-worded title. It shows the possibilities of using a behavioral innovativeness model to explain the mechanism of human[1]technology symbiosis, while reducing multiple threats to human welfare. The thesis related to the purpose indicates that the shaping and dissemination of universal competence in the form of behavioral innovativeness are accelerators of the process of following the symbiosis between man and technology. The proof was based on the assumption that it is necessary to change the paradigm of thinking about innovativeness, and to enrich its objective dimension with a subjective one. Based on studies concerning the subject literature and the presentation of international differences in the level and dynamics of digital transformation on the basis of indicators used in global reports on digitization, the authors conclude that the postulated change in the paradigm of thinking about innovativeness may play a positive role in human welfare. A necessary but not sufficient condition for reducing the growth of human-digital symbiosis as a risk to human welfare is the postulated sustainability orientation of behavioral innovation. With the current scale of re-evaluation and the pace of the impact of digital transformation on all dimensions of human existence, it is inevitable to move to an integrated development strategy in the formula postulated in the article. In order to ensure the consistency of behavioral innovativeness with integrated development, it is necessary to systematically shape innovative competences, throughout, inter alia, formalized education institutions, government policy, and economic instruments, which requires further research.


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How to Cite

Bal-Woźniak, T., Tkach, T., Radieva, M., & Woźniak, M. G. (2021). Behavioral innovativeness as an implement human-technology symbiosis in times of digital transformation. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (68), 65–88.


