Cluster structure as an example of an international business model


  • Roman Chorób Department of Quantitative Methods and Economic Informatics, Institute of Economics and Finance, University of Rzeszow



cluster, integration processes, internationalisation, international business


In global conditions, clusters are obliged to operate on the international market to a greater extent than ever. Due to the evolution of the economic environment, these structures, and in particular their entities-members, wanting to increase their competitiveness and develop, take actions on global markets, and engage in international cooperation. Hence, their support towards internationalisation, which determines their functioning and success in the market, is of great importance. That is why the offer of activities supporting this process, both at the EU and national level, is so important. This support should apply in particular to Key National Clusters, which are of exceptional importance for the country and the regions in which they operate.

The aim of the article is an attempt to show the essence and function of the cluster structure, which is an example of a business model. In the following parts of the study, attempts were made to introduce the concept and classification of business models and the concept of the international cluster model. The advantages of the internationalisation of cluster structures are presented, as well as the sources of financing and forms of support for this process. Examples of key cluster structures in Poland were presented, as well as the “Aviation Valley” Cluster as a case study. In order to show the role of clusters in increasing efficiency, innovation and competitiveness, the results of our own research were used. They were carried out in 2015 among 80 entrepreneurs participants of four agri-food clusters, as well as among 4 representatives of institutions managing these clusters in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The study puts forward the thesis that properly functioning cluster structures contribute to an increase in the level of innovation in the economy and the competitiveness of entities, eliminating the inequalities in their development, both at the local, regional and international levels.


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How to Cite

Chorób, R. (2022). Cluster structure as an example of an international business model. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (70), 86–100.


