Krytyka polityki gospodarczej koalicji PO-PSL w „Gazecie wyborczej” 2007-2015
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Civic Platform, liberalism, economic policyAbstrakt
“Gazeta Wyborcza”, founded in 1989, still remains the most important opinion making daily paper in Poland. In its articles it represents liberal opinions concerning social and economic policy. Although “Gazeta Wyborcza” was the main medial opponent of PiS (the largest oppositional party in Poland in the period discussed in this article), it also criticised the then governing PO-PSL coalition, especially with respect to its economic policy. This critical approach was in general inspired by liberal doctrine. The main subjects of the criticism concerning the economic policy of the PO-PSL coalition in the years 2007–2015 included a lack of support of Poland’s accession to the Euro Zone, slow privatisation, maintaining the position of privileged groups in the society (farmers, miners), lack of restructurisation of the coal mining industry as well as the reduction and transfer of superannuation funds from the so-called second pillar of the pension system to ZUS.
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