Sytuacja bezpieczeństwa w Kosowie po 1998 roku z perspektywy Zachodu
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Security Sector Reform, SSR, KFOR, UNMIK, EULEXAbstrakt
For centuries Kosovo remained a disputed region between Serbs and Albanians. Sparse historical data reaching back to 14th century indicated the origins of the conflict, resulting from the outcomes of the Battle of Kosovo Polje in 1389, out of which derived statehoods of both Serbia and Kosovo. For Serbs this region is connected to the dawn of the Serb Orthodox Church. On the other hand the Kosovo Albanians claim that themselves being the descendants of the ancient nation of Illyrians, inhabited this region for millennia. Currently it is estimated that among the republic’s population approximately 90% are Kosovo Albanians. During Yugoslavia’s existence, Kosovo gained the status of an autonomous province within the borders of Serbia, one of the six republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In spite of its autonomy Kosovo was entirely dominated by the Serb Republic. People of Kosovo never ceased in their efforts to obtain the status of a separate republic. The dispute turned into an armed conflict resulting in ethnic cleansing conducted by Serbs on the Albanian population. They were one of the reasons for the armed intervention and ensuing long-term presence in Kosovo of the NATO forces, the United Nations UNMIK mission, the European Union EULEX mission and a number of humanitarian and non-governmental organizations assisting in the state-building of the newly created republic. In the current publication the author presents the issue of multidimensionality of the international support for Kosovo in the area of security after 1998, with a special focus on the reform of the security sector. This article is a result of theoretical and empirical research. The scientific method was based on the analyses of the outcomes of discussions, consultations and interviews conducted with representatives of international organizations and selected countries. This publication was also based on interpretations of recent international events and conclusions of analyses of the indicated bibliography.
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