Self-assessment of the level of digital competences of future teachers in grades I–III of primary schools and kindergartens




pre-school and early school pedagogy, media education, student education, students’ digital competencies


The contemporary reality and the changes taking place in it related to the development of information and communication technologies determine new areas of preparation for teachers at all levels of education, including nursery schools and grades I–III of primary schools. The article presents the results of research conducted among third-year students of preschool and early school pedagogy in the area of digital competencies. Respondents made a self-assessment in the field of understanding the basics of computer science, the operation of a computer system, human-computer communication, the basics of the use of peripherals, and the protection of intellectual property.


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How to Cite

Myśliwiec, K. (2023). Self-assessment of the level of digital competences of future teachers in grades I–III of primary schools and kindergartens. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 366–377.



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