Tools and techniques of remote education in the context of early and preschool education




e-learning, training, education, didactics, e-learning applications


The content of the article was focused on presenting e-learning techniques and tools in the education of the youngest. In the study, the authors presented the key conditions that influenced the development and application of the e-learning form of education in the educational environment, as well as the scope of their use. The article discusses in detail the tools that support the implementation of educational activities in an alternative form of teaching-learning at the stage of early childhood and pre-school education. The study contains a step-by-step description of practical tasks for teachers of early childhood education in the field of effective use of e-learning technologies in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Tuczyński, K., & Szlęk, K. (2023). Tools and techniques of remote education in the context of early and preschool education. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 388–405.



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