Przemoc wobec osób starszych – sposoby przeciwdziałania
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
violence, old age, abuse, neglect, counteractionAbstrakt
Current demographic trends indicate that we will live in an increasingly aging society, with all its conditions including changes taking place in daily life. Contemporary civilization promotes the cult of youth, vitality and physical strength. Numerous manifestations of ageism are an expression of fear, fears of the consequences of the natural process of aging and old age. Elder people experience not only health problems, but more and more often loneliness, marginalization, violence, neglect and abuse, both from the closest family and aid institutions. The ongoing demographic changes require special attention to the problem of violence against elder people. The prevention of violence against elder people is particularly important in the event of increasing population aging. The purpose of the article is to present forms of violence towards seniors, a determination of the scale of this phenomenon, motives and methods of counteracting this negative behaviour in the light of the literature on the subject. It is necessary to undertake a wide range of activities to change the image of elder people and the phenomenon of old age and also draw attention to the problem of violence against elder people in the public forum.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Rynkowska, D. (2020). Przemoc wobec osób starszych – sposoby przeciwdziałania. Polityka I Społeczeństwo, 17(1), 69–82.

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