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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been published anywhere or is the subject of proceedings in another journal (or publishing house).
  • Acceptance of the text for printing requires the signing of a contract for the performance of the work and the transfer of proprietary copyrights.
  • The text meets the editorial requirements specified by the editors.
  • I acknowledge that if the editors find in the submitted text the signs of "ghostwriting" or "guest authorship", this circumstance will be revealed.

Author Guidelines

Texts should be submitted in electronic form in the OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format. During the process of submitting the text, the Author will be asked to confirm the originality of the work and that it does not participate in any other publishing procedure, as well as the absence of a conflict of interest between the author and the editorial office of the journal. After the text is accepted for publication, the Author signs a contract for the performance of the work and the transfer of proprietary copyrights. The texts are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license.

Technical tips:

  • Texts should be submitted in electronic form in the OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format. During the process of submitting the text, the Author will be asked to confirm the originality of the work and that it does not participate in any other publishing procedure, as well as the absence of a conflict of interest between the author and the editorial office of the journal. After the text is accepted for publication, the Author signs a contract for the performance of the work and the transfer of proprietary copyrights. The texts are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license.
  • the article and research report should be up to 30,000 characters long, including abstracts, proper text, tables and charts and footnotes. Review, gloss, opinion should be up to 15,000 characters. The report on academic event, and the note, should contain up to 10,000 characters;
  • the article should have distinguished parts (at least the introduction, the description of the research and the conclusion) and unnumbered subtitles. In the introduction, the author should present a hypothesis / thesis, indicate the research method(s) and briefly characterize the literature. The conclusion should contain a reference to the assumptions made in the introduction and final resolution of the research problem;
  • in the reference (footnote) next to the name of the author of the text, its affiliation of his/her academic institution, the author's e-mail address and the ORCID number;
  • a scientific article should contain an abstract and 3 to 5 keywords in Polish and English, and a translation of the title in English;
  • an abstract (from 500 to 1000 characters) in a synthetic and clear manner should indicate the goals, methods of analysis and main conclusions, highlighting the added value of the research;
  • 12 point font (preferably Times New Roman);
  • spacing 1,5 in the main text and 1,0 in the footnote (spacing 0 points);
  • standard margins – 2,5 cm;
  • paragraph indentation - 1,25 in the main text;
  • please do not format the text (it is allowed to use highlighting in bold);
  • quotations should be written in block capitals and placed in inverted commas;
  • titles of books, documents etc. are written in italics;
  • use footnotes (10 point font, preferably Times New Roman) according to the scheme:

    1. monographs: first name initial and last name(s) of author(s), title in italics, place and year of publication, pages, e.g:

    when there is 1 author:

    S. Grabowska, Forms of direct democracy in selected European countries, Rzeszów 2009, p. 34.

    when there are 2-3 authors:

    M. Delong, K. Żarna, The Slovak Republic and the Republic of Poland on the Road to the European Union, Rzeszów 2013, p. 57.

    T. Koziełło, P. Maj, A. Pięta-Szawara, Perspektywy badawcze i dylematy teorii polityki, Rzeszów 2014, p. 41.

    When there are 4 and more authors: then we list the first author and write {and others} in brackets:

    B. Wróblewski [et al], Współczesna polityka zagraniczna wybranych państw. Szanse i zagrożenia, Rzeszów 2021, p. 22.


    2. chapter in a collective monograph: name initial(s) and surname(s) of the author(s), chapter title in italics, [in:] title of the monograph in italics, editor Initial(s) of the editor(s), place and year of publication, pages, e.g:

    G. Bonusiak, Przemiany w polityce Królestwa Szwecji wobec imigrantów w dobie "kryzysu uchodźczego" , [in:] Współczesna polityka bezpieczeństwa. Aspekty polityczne, gospodarcze i militarne, red. M. Delong, M. Malczyńska-Biały, vol. 2, Rzeszów 2018, p. 271.

    T. Koziełło, P. Maj, W. Paruch, Introduction - reflections on public space, [in:] Adaptation - reform - stabilization. Public sphere in the contemporary political systems, ed. T. Koziełło, P. Maj, W. Paruch, Rzeszów 2010, p. 8-9.


    3. journal article: name initial and surname(s) of the author(s), article title in italics, title of the magazine in inverted commas, year of publication, number, pages, e.g:

    M. Malczyńska-Biały, Konsumeryzm w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, "Polityka i Społeczeństwo", 2012, No. 10, p. 102.


    4. normative act: full name of the document, article - if needed (in brackets place of publication, year of publication, number, position), e.g.:

    Law of 6 June 1997. - Penal Code, art. 3 (Journal of Laws 1997, no. 88, item 553).

    Decision of the President of the Republic of Poland of 11 February 2021 on awarding decorations (M.P. 2021, item 441).

    5. Sources without an identified author: name/title in italics, place and year of publication and, where necessary, page number, e.g:

    Stenographic report from the 25th sitting of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, 9th term, 20 January 2021, Warsaw 2021, p. 48.

    Balance of public moods in the first quarter. CBOS Research Communication, Warsaw 2021, p. 4.


    6. internet materials: first name initial and last name(s) of the author(s) - if given, title of the material in italics, name of the internet portal, address of the internet portal, date of publication (in brackets: date of reading), e.g:

    K.A. Kowalczyk, Po co liposukcja ozdrowieńcowi, Rzeczpospolita,, 14.05.2021 (14.05.2021).

  • repetitions:

    1. when two consecutive footnotes refer to the same publication:

    footnote 1: D. Szczepański, Unia Wolności. Programme assumptions and activities (1994-2005), Rzeszów 2013, p. 35.

    Footnote 2: Ibidem, p. 45.

    2. when only 1 publication by the same author is cited again but not in subsequent footnotes:

    footnote 1: K. Żarna, Hitler, Henlein, Karmasin. The German minority in Slovakia in the policy of the Third Reich (1933-1939), Przemyśl 2009, p. 56.

    Footnote 10: K. Żarna, op.cit., p. 76.

    3. when two consecutive footnotes refer to the same author but a different publication, we use the phrases: idem (for men) and eadem (for women):

    footnote 1: H. Cimek, Elity polity ruchu ludowego w II Rzeczypospolitej, Rzeszów 2013, p. 110.

    Footnote 2: Idem, Elites of the people's movement in Poland in 1944-1949, Rzeszów 2016, p. 37.

    4. when one of several publications by a given author is cited again:

    footnote 1: A. Pawłowska, Samorząd terytorialny w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, Warszawa 2016, p. 120.

    Footnote 4: A. Pawłowska, Power. Elites. Bureaucracy: A study in the sociology of politics, Lublin 1998, p. 68.

    Footnote 10: A. Pawłowska, Samorząd terytorialny..., p. 110.

    Compiling a bibliography:
  • the bibliography should be prepared alphabetically, without distinction between sources and scientific literature;
  • give the DOI (if the publication has one) or web address (if the material was downloaded from the Internet);
  • monographs: surname(s) and first name initial(s) of author(s), title of publication, place and year of publication, e.g:
    Grabowska S., Formy demokracji bezpośredniej w wybranych państwach europejskich, Rzeszów 2009
  • chapter in a collective monograph: author's name(s) and first name initial(s), chapter title in italics, [in:] title of monograph in italics, editor's name initial(s), place and year of publication, e.g:
    Bonusiak G., Przemiany w polityce Królestwa Szwecji wobec imigrantów w dobie „kryzysu uchodźczego”, [w:] Współczesna polityka bezpieczeństwa. Aspekty polityczne, gospodarcze i militarne, red. M. Delong, M. Malczyńska-Biały, t. 2, Rzeszów 2018.
  • journal article: author(s)' surname(s) and first name initial(s), article title in italics, journal title in inverted commas, year of publication, number, e.g:
    Malczyńska-Biały M., Konsumeryzm w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, „Polityka i Społeczeństwo”, 2012, nr 10.
  • normative act: full name of the document (in brackets place of publication, year of publication, number, position), e.g:
    Ustawa z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r. – Kodeks karny (Dz.U. 1997, nr 88, poz. 553).
  • sources without an identified author - name/title in italics, place and year of publication, e.g:
    Sprawozdanie stenograficzne z 25 posiedzenia Sejmu RP IX kadencji, 20 stycznia 2021 r., Warszawa 2021.
  • Internet material: author's name(s) and first name initial(s) if given, title of material in italics, name of web portal, address of web portal, date of publication (in brackets: date of reading), e.g:
    Kowalczyk K.A., Po co liposukcja ozdrowieńcowi, Rzeczpospolita,, 14.05.2021 (14.05.2021).

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