Tolerancja zachowań związanych z szerzeniem nienawiści w internecie w grupie młodych dorosłych: analiza empiryczna


  • Ewa Pogorzała



security, security sciences, methodology of security research, didactics


The study attempts to identify and diagnose the challenges of teaching methodological subjects in the fields of study assigned to the discipline "security science" and to answer the question whether a canon of teaching methodological subjects has been formed. The study is of a contributory nature and contains a preliminary diagnosis of the problem, although it may become a starting point for planning and developing systematic research in this area. The source substrate was provided, inter alia, by data contained in the RAD-on system and available on-line documentation of studies, as well as scientific studies and textbooks relating to the theory and methodology of security sciences and the status of the discipline 'security sciences'. The main thesis of the article assumes that the scope and content of the methodological subjects are influenced by several pre-identified factors: general (related to the genesis of the discipline, its development in Poland and worldwide, the degree of absorption of Anglosphere output, the development and availability of textbooks) and local (i.e. the genesis of the field of study, the assignment of a given field of study to disciplines, the education of staff, the profile of studies).



How to Cite

Pogorzała, E. (2023). Tolerancja zachowań związanych z szerzeniem nienawiści w internecie w grupie młodych dorosłych: analiza empiryczna. Studies in Politics and Society, 21(1), 246–259.


